Sunday 26 February 2017

Two Tricks about pictures on your website.

One may use pictures to make the site attractive. But time after time one can see the misuse of this asset on websites in a wrong way. Pictures are used just to make it more attractive. This is fine but there are other uses of pictures this is not the only role you should consider. It will result in the under-performing site, a waste of money given to your web design company. A website owner will be shocked if they find out how changes to the pictures can make sales jump.
First impressions are very important –always. When the audience comes to the site they will see your site’s images. They should be picked correctly match the content and be credible. They should convey the message of the business on the site, make the audience feel at home, give a good complexion to the site, match the theme and colors layout, and not be abrupt and tacky. They should not be any B class images that were put to just beautify, but hard worked out images merging with content giving the site authority and credibility. In a nutshell, make the best first impression. Studies have been shown to forecast that use of pictures in people instills perceived credibility of the site; meaning where appropriate one should look for new ways to incorporate pictures to influence the audience correctly.

Pictures on a page have been shown to dramatically change the reading behavior of audiences. Eye-tracking studies have shown this; hence one should careful place images as needed.
Key pages on websites should use testing of different images to see which pictures give the best response. This testing system can be devised by your web development company in Mumbai to see which set of images gives you the best result in terms of conversion or clicks. The one set that works the best should be retained. This will help you with the best-optimized outcome with maximal profit to the site among the choices that may be there. You need to use the best set for your goal.
It is important that you choose the right set of pictures on your site with care. This will have a large role in the impact and website credibility. It will ultimately affect the sales leads generated and the conversion thus Rate of investment too. Ask Apex Infotech India what changes one should need in terms of pictures on your website?